
Drink driver captured on dashcam

Sussex Police have released a dash-cam video which shows the terrifying journey of a drink driver in Bexhill, East Sussex. The footage has been released in an attempt to highlight the severity of the danger involved when driving under the influence of alcohol. In this heart-stopping footage, the driver swerves across the road multiple times before finally crashing into a parked Audi.

PC Nathan Langley from Polegate Roads Policing Unit said: “The dangers of drink-driving are well-documented – it can seriously impair your reaction times, concentration levels, and judgement of other road users and hazards. But a lot of people may find this difficult to visualise.”
“Now, through the release of this footage, we can show you exactly what it looks like to drive under the influence of alcohol, and you can see just how shocking it is.”
“The scary thing is this isn’t a particularly unusual or extraordinary example of drink-driving; the driver has displayed a number of characteristics which you would typically expect. What you wouldn’t expect, of course, is for someone in such a state to get behind the wheel of their car.”

A member of the public called the police after witnessing the Vauxhall Corsa on the A259 being driven dangerously, clipping kerbs and swerving. Another call was received shortly afterwards to inform officers that the same car had collided with a stationary vehicle. The suspect, Louise Willard, 41, left the scene of the accident, stopping a short while afterwards where she was arrested. She gave a roadside breath test reading of 94 microgrammes of alcohol per 100ml of breath – nearly three times the legal limit of 35mcg/100ml. She was charged not only with drink driving, but also for failing to stop after the road traffic collision.

Willard pleaded guilty to both counts at Hastings Magistrates Court and was subsequently disqualified from driving for 2 years, handed a 12-month community order and ordered to pay costs totalling £170.

“We hope by releasing this footage that people will take note. If you’ve ever considered drink-driving, think again. Or, if you have done it before, don’t even think about doing it again; the next time could be your last,” PC Langley added.

“Every year, people’s lives are destroyed by drink-driving. In Sussex in 2017, a total of 13 people were killed and a further 65 were seriously injured in drink-driving related collisions.”

“The law around drink-driving is in place for a reason – it is there to keep you safe and to deal robustly with those who compromise the safety of themselves and others by driving while under the influence.

“Remember, drink OR drive; never both.”

The consequences for driving under the influence of drink or drugs are severe and include:

  • Minimum 12 month driving ban;
  • Unlimited fine;
  • Possible prison sentence;
  • Criminal record;
  • Increase in your car insurance premium;
  • Trouble travelling to countries such as the USA.

Sussex Police have an anonymous text reporting system, using the number 65999, for members of the public to inform them of potential drink or drug drivers. Alternatively, the following methods can be used anywhere in the UK:

Visit the Operation Crackdown website 

Call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or click here to visit their website

However, if there is immediate danger we advise you to call 999 and inform the police as soon as possible.

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