

Smart motorways – are they really smart?

The transport secretary Grant Shapps announced this week that Smart motorways are to be reviewed over safety concerns. He indicated that the findings of the review would be delivered within “a matter of weeks” – highlighting the urgency of the issue. Addressing MPs he said: “I’ve heard those concerns raised today and previously and I […]

Avail – the app for HGV driving jobs

For a long time the road haulage industry has struggled to attract young talent. With the average age of a lorry driver in the UK currently at around 55, there is clearly room for some fresh faces – not only in the driving seat but throughout the sector as a whole. Fortunately, in the last […]

The 10 Best HGV Test Centre Pass Rates

Everyone who’s ever passed a driving test can remember the incredible relief at hearing those magic words “I’m pleased to tell you you’ve passed.” For many people taking HGV tests, hearing these words often means a new career awaits too, which further increases the significance. But where in the UK would you statistically be most […]

Turning road traffic into sales traffic

In what has become an uncertain climate for UK hauliers, any opportunity to increase profit margins is going to be welcomed with open arms. Rising fuel prices, a shortage of drivers, and a looming exit from the EU are creating considerable extra difficulties for businesses in a sector which is particularly vulnerable to the wider […]

Top 10 reasons for HGV driving test fails

Failing a driving test is one of those experiences you never forget. Getting to the end of the test only to hear the examiner utter the dreaded words: “I’m sorry but you haven’t passed”. You’re sent a copy of your test report showing the faults recorded that will help you understand where you went wrong. […]

5asideCHESS says checkmate to mental health

In a world where we are more connected than ever before, it is a sad irony that we communicate less. Modern technology has equipped us with the ability to video call with someone on the other side of the world, or reconnect with long lost friends and family with a few clicks or taps on […]

An industry in need of people

Road Transport firms across the UK and Europe are quickly heading towards a crisis. According to new research from Transport Intelligence, a leading global logistics market research organisation, there is a growing driver shortage crisis of over 150,000 unfulfilled jobs across Europe. There are already trucks parked at locations across Europe with no drivers for […]

Meet our members: Dorian Gamble, Data Academy

In this feature we speak to Dorian Gamble, Director of Data Academy. Data Academy provide a large range of driver and transport training courses from their base near the M1 in Leicester. They are also our best-performing member, with not only a perfect score of 5-stars, but also the highest number of reviews posted for […]

AutoExpress does trucks

Readers of popular motoring magazine AutoExpress may have spotted a mention of Training Mentor in a recent online article about HGV driving. The feature, titled ‘What’s it like to be an HGV driver?’, provided readers with a great insight into what it’s like to drive a truck. AutoExpress writer Dean Gibson wrote of his experience […]

Maritime wins Road Haulier of the Year Award

Maritime Transport has been named Road Haulier of the Year for 2018 at the Global Freight Awards. The award is picked by the readers of the freight industry publication Lloyd’s Loading List. Lloyd’s Loading List asks its readers for nominations for freight operators that provide industry leading, innovation solutions to its customers. After multiple rounds […]

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